Too Much To Handle: Striking a balance between Mental Health and Media
In this unprecedented time, it can feel like we are being bombarded by negativity from our newsfeeds and timelines. Social media and the news are great resources to keep us updated on things happening in the world, but what do we do when things become too much to handle? Is it all helping or hurting our own mental health?
Let’s discuss how to change our social media and news consumption habits during this time of quarantine and isolation in order to keep a more positive outlook.
The discussion will be led by Michelle Decker, Young Adult Outreach and Education Specialist for NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) Keystone Chapter
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+1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 945 1410 2297
Password: 505000
Presented by NAMI Keystone Chapter and the McKeesport Community Newsroom